As I have worked on my book, I have written on my laptop in airports; hotel rooms, on trains; and at home, in addition to working in my office. That’s one of the advantages of being a writer; your work is portable and you can do it in many different environments. But naturally, as a
Often times, management does not want to recognize when an increasing number of employees are quitting the company, and going on to greener pastures. Some executives look at this as “par for the course,” or the cost of doing business. Yet some leaders don’t take into account the true cost of losing employees on a
One of the most intriguing aspects of building a business is creating a mission statement to sum up the essence of the company. It is quite a creative challenge to take a look at the organization you have built, and to write a clear and concise mission statement about it. Yet it is an important
Who was the last person you hired in your company? Many of my clients are CEOs and owners of mid-sized businesses, and do you know what one of their most challenging problems is? It is saying no to a friend or relative who needs a job. Can you relate to this? In the last year,